It’s Delightful!
She’d say “it’s delightful” every. single. time.
Well, sometimes it was more like a squeal.
The water’s fine.
My mom loves the water. She could float for days. She just lays back and floats. It’s kinda amazing. I’m too worried about the fish or stinging nettles to just lay back and float. But my mom, she knows how to enjoy it all.
My parents have had a boat longer than I’ve been alive and I spent many days on the water with them. My mom was always the first tone to jump in. When she came up for air, she’d say “It’s Delightful” to encourage us to jump in too. My sister, Mary and I could tell the temperature of the water by the pitch of her voice. See, the higher the pitch, the colder the water. We weren’t fooled by the word “delightful”.
Louise is Delightful
You may be thinking the same thing about websites right now. You see the ads, “Build your own website in minutes, it’s easy”, but you know, it’s very cold in that water.
Louise is designed to help entrepreneurs just like you create a simple, beautiful website to share your gifts with the world. I want you to be DELIGHTED.
Whether you need a website for a new business idea or your old website needs some updating, I am here to help. Take a look at our simple solutions.
Time to float
What is your biggest challenge to creating a website? Have you tried DIY and failed?
What’s one thing keeping you from the website you deserve?
I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment below on what is keeping you from floating?
Perhaps it’s time to hire Louise to create the website you deserve. Then you can lay back, float and enjoy it all! Just like my mom.
Until next time,