Silence is Golden
Silent Party
Have you heard of a Silent Party? It’s an event where several DJs play dance music and everyone wears headphones. I attended my first Silent Party last week. At first, I thought it was a strange idea. So “millennial” to have my own headset to listen to music instead of sharing the sound with everyone in the room. It seems to be so isolated, almost selfish. And yes, it is, sorta.
I’m in control
Although I could control the volume and choose the channel, everyone still shared in the experience of dancing to music. Together. If someone was enjoying a song, I might switch the channel to join in. In a silent party, I can take off the headphones, just listen to people singing off key or start a normal conversation with my friends. That was great!
Better than expected
So actually, the silent party created a new and better music listening experience than one song blasted at volume 10! It was modern and hip. I loved it!
New ideas
It reminded me to be open to new ideas, new technology and new ways of doing things. Yes, our socialization has changed over the years, but that isn’t always bad. We just have to figure out how to use it serve our needs.
The same goes for website technology. It has changed a lot over the years, and we need to use it to serve our businesses. If you’re open to a new idea; Louise is providing simple, beautiful websites to launch and grow businesses. Maybe you’ll love it just like a Silent Party!
Yours truly,