Happy New Year!
Better Late than never
Well, I am a little late (unless you celebrate Chinese New Year, then I’m right on time).
The end of 2019 was a bit crazy for me. I blame the fewer days between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Perhaps, I also took on more than I could handle. With so much to do at year end, Christmas shopping, and parties, I was feeling worn out. I am grateful for a few days with my family to rest and relax. We stayed in our pajamas all day on Christmas and built a crazy hard puzzle. Just what I needed.
New Year and Decade
2020’s new year is special because it’s also a new decade. According to Good Housekeeping , some cool things happened in the last decade. See if you remember any of these:
Apple release the first iPad.
“Gangnam Style” and “What does the Fox say” were sensations.
William and Kate got married.Harry and Meghan also got married.
Pokémon Go and Fidget spinners kept us busy.
We saw a spectacular solar eclipse.
My personal favorite is the solar eclipse. We are already planning for the next one. Also, I can’t wait to see what this new decade brings. According to Forbes, innovative thinkers will make change for the better in these areas:
Healthcare will see free market opportunities.
Taxes will be reimagined.
Surveillance becomes more widespread and counter balanced with technology.
Costs of higher education will decline, greatly.
Yes, yes yes! Plus more we don’t even know about yet! I expect big changes in my life, too. An empty nest as my children grew up and move out, business growth in Louise by providing excellent service to my clients, and maybe even weddings and grand-babies (yikes).
I wonder, this year, did you make a new year’s resolution or a new decade’s resolution?
Most if us try to work out more, eat better and save money every new year. My gym sure has been busy this month. Maybe you want to learn a new language, pray more, or get organized. My new year resolution is to serve more. By volunteering my time and talents in a variety of ways, maybe I can help someone have a better day.
Statistics say most of us make it to January 21 before giving up on our new resolutions. Did you know it takes up to 66 days to develop new habits? Wow, we have to keep working on this until March 6th! I’d love to know your resolution. Comment below your goals for this new year and new decade.
Think Longterm
What if we took a decade approach to change in our lives and our businesses? What if we set long term goals instead of short term, instant gratification goals? Could we work towards those achievements throughout the year, and get back to it, even when we fall off course?
If you’ve already quit your new year’s resolution, how about making a decade one instead. Maybe you can master Instagram, send more emails to your customers, launch a new product or service. How about maintaining your health, visiting with family more or travel somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit.
If starting or growing your business is a goal of yours this year, or this decade, Louise is here to help. It doesn’t have to start in January or even in 2020, but when you’re ready to get online or update your digital presence, let Louise help you create the website you deserve.
Until next time,